SI Definition

3:40 p.m., 2003-08-23

� � � � � � As you can see, I have a new layout. I like it alot.;) Lately I've been liking green alot, and I kind of have an ink-ling why. More on that later.

It seems as that SI will never go away. ( Scroll Down for SI definition). He has no reason to be here. Earlier, I was going to go outside. But no, he was there. You would think that I would just ignore him like I do with every other jack*ass I know, but he's family. Not really, though, but I still have to associate with him. Everyone does. We all dislike him, most of us hate him. We hate him for what he did to them, and how he denies it. That drunk bastard.

On a lighter note, orientation is on the 27th. I'm a bit weary, excited and freaked out all at the same time. There are a couple people I don't want to see, and a few I would like to see. Whenever I experience new things I can get a little crazed. Anyways, at the orientation we are *supposedly* going to tour the school, and meet some teachers. Unlike the last orientation, which was a waste of time and mileage. I don't think Brandi will go, but maybe she'll come to her senses. I'll bribe her with some harry potter posters.

It's scary to think that I don't know where I'm going. I'm the kind of person who has to know the question for everything, always asking "What If"? I'm on a quest for knowledge. So when I realized that there are so many things I don't know, that there are so many uncertainties in my future, I get uncharacteristically(sp) sad and weak. If I only had a guide, someone/thing to show me the way. But I guess I'll be a big girl and do it on my own. ;)


SI (adjective, noun, verb, asshole)- My step-grandfather. We live in his and my REAL grandmothers house. They live here no more. Yet he comes here almost every day. For no apparent reason. No one wants him here. Only Paris, my dog, likes him. And thats only for adding gravy to her food and playing with her. He did something despicable, and denied it. My grandmother stayed with him, and still is. SI stands for Satan Imposter, by the way. The reason I call him imposter is that he can be kind to Paris. SI is a weird name for me to give,because I don't believe/acknowledge satan in my religion. Hmm. Life is strange.

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