
6:56 p.m., 2003-07-12

� � � � � � hey! I'm not new to the whole diary thing. I have one here, and my friedns and i have a web site thingee here. its pretty cool i;'ll write down the link later.

Sorry, that paragraph sounded really stupid. but basically, i'm really tired.I miss my friends, and my school. I know it sucked, but hey I got used to it. *Shms* I will miss you. Ok, maybe not. Damn. I'm confused.

Umm...can't think of anything else to write. Oh, and Rainbow brite says that *Brandon* left the front door open again. Stupid Boy. Just because he's invisible doesnt mean he can do anything he wants! But he is really cute though...::stop, Brandon! Forks don't belong in the microwave!NOOO!!:: k bye bye now

->*One of my Numerous Nick-names...hmm lets try Aura!*<-

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