What You Are To Me

4:13 p.m., 2003-10-06

� � � � � � Instead of a normal entry (where I complain, talk about they guys I like and wonder about the future) I've decided to compile(sp?) a few thoughts of people into one entry. You know, sort of a who's-who kind of thing. What I'm to afraid to say, what I think of them what I wish they knew. Sort of like my cast page, but more in depth.

So here I go...And oh yes, don't be offended. It's only the truth, or at least what the truth is to me. Or only the truth I will reveal. Muahahah.

And of course, nicknames run wild here, so have fun trying to figure that out.

GD: Wow. What can I say? There is so much, truly. I'm mad at you, yet I'm not. I'm basically just confused. i want to know why, why, why! But that must be too much too ask. I guess that time will heal everything, as I've heard before, but I can only help but wonder. Overall, though, it's been a great ride.

Miles(Nickname!): Hmm. Very interesting. I again don't know what to say. I'm leaning toward never talking to you again, as it would be easy. But I would miss you. *GASP* So, for right now, I've gotta think.

Nora: I feel like you are not telling me everything. And that makes me not trust you. Not good, Mademoiselle. Maybe I've changed, maybe you've changed...I don't know. For the most part, though, you've been good. Except for those few bad times.

La: Yeah, this is hard. I like you a lot, you are really cool and I can relate to you. But I think you should stop. I know people have been telling you this, and obviously it's not getting through. Remember, if you need anything, I'm here. I'll always be, no matter how pissed I am at you, or what you do.

Arrow: I should be there for you more often. I feel like I'm using you.

Sinna: God, girl. Straighten up. You know what you need to do, even if your not sure how to get it. It'll all come, sooner or later. And not everyone has to know what you are thinking, especially since you don't know either. Please, please, just stop and look. It's all there.

Sgath: Heheh, another nickname. Where have you been lately? I've been needing to talk to you. About some important things. We never really talked, but you know what I think about you.

Ga: Nothing really bad to say about you. You've been pretty cool. 100 $ for ya.

And now for the one sentence thoughts...

WS: Hey. What are you so happy about ;P

R: Talk. Preferably to moi.

B: I've given up.

F5: Diie! NOw!

*~: Come here. NOw.

More soon.

This can't last forever. Time won't make things better.

� � pr�c�dent ou apr�s
