Looking in your mind

3:12 p.m., 2003-09-23

� � � � � � I found out some new information about STP. I found out that he hangs out with a girl named ( or at least in P.E.) and that his number is either 30 33. Don't know his name yet, though.

God. My skin in getting darker, my hair lighter, my voice crackier....For the last part, I'm sick. Don't think I'm turning into a man.

Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Sneeze. That's all I have been doing today.

That joint diary offer is still up, contact me (guestbook, email, notes) and we'll talk.

Stupid Hilary Duff song!

Thursday: The new Surburban Prostitution

Ha Ha.

Sometimes I wonder about people. About why they do mean things to you, and then try ro pretend like they didn't. Or when they are nice to you to your face, but then talk about you behind your back- just to look "cool". Whatever. I went through that crap awhile ago, and I am proud to say I'm, over it. No more games. Either I like you or I don't. Simple as that. Well, most of the time.

I don't have 4 husbands, just to clear that bit up. And I'm not nice to everyone, I'm just nice to people I like.

Austin( nickname here) is weird.

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