Questions from....

4:37 p.m., 2003-09-16

� � � � � � Here's the answers, courtesy of :

Water Druid

1) Why does your body ache? Was it just like a "oh shit, I'm tired" kinda ache, or did something happen?

Well, sometimes it aches because my body hates me. Most of the time, though, is from walking home. :/

2) What does your latest entry mean? I am so lost. Who are you talking about? What happened that he is questioning? You're not pregnant, are you?

Oh, haha. That entry was just something that popped into my head. I am not pregnant, and the girl in the story isn�t. : p And everything else is open to interpretation.

3.Why do you want people to ask you questions? Isn't that a big invasion of privacy?

Not for me. If it�s too personal, I just won�t answer it. Sometimes it is fun to have people ask you questions, and it lets the readers know a little bit more about the author.

4) Why would you have to sensor your blog? The point of a blog is to be honest.

Well, some of my friends read it. Not that I am hiding anything from them, it�s just that I feel paranoid when I realize people read it. Even if no one did, I probably wouldn�t say anything. But, most of the time I say the important stuff.

5) Why does your guestbook echo the questions side by side?

Oh, that is just a mistake I made on, and I didn�t feel like figuring out why it�s screwed I left it there. It�s kind of grown on me. :)

If anyone wants me to ask them questions, or wants me to ask them questions, just sign the tag-board, guestbook or email.

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