Jack is being sexually harassed!

11:29 p.m., 2003-08-27

� � � � � � So...Orientation. Yeah. Very Interesting. I saw a few people I knew( Saundra, Stephanie-I gave her PSP7 back-and some other people). Brandi did not go, as expected. There were a few people, though, who I didn't see. Not that the people I saw aren't great or anything, that is the opposite. Anyways, Carrie took me, and I later met Elizabeth. What a long name. It was okay. I sort of know where to go, but not really. Hopefully, though, it will all work out.

I just remembered, I have to bring my red book. The eye one, as I smartly call it.

I feel like I am missing something that I do not know of.

Tried looking for Mars today( along w/ my mom and Carrie) but I could not see it. However, I saw a strange thing. It looked like a star, but it was pulsating. It moved a bit, and faded in between the clouds often. Planes lights to pulsate, but they move quite fast. This one stayed in the same area, just danced(lol) around. My mom said it may have been a satellite, but then Carrie nixed the idea and said that you can not see satellites. I then explained that satelites can also be an object that moves around the earth(I *think*). My scientific babble is so not appreciated. Sigh.

It is pretty late. I am trying to enjoy my last, precious, wondeful BORING days before school starts.

My hair looks very bad. Most of the time it is acceptable, but this time it is not. It has purple,black,blue,orange,pink and (AND!) brown in it. But I will deal with it.

Today all the freshman 'punks' looked at me strangely. Yes, I am tall and I have screwy hair colors. Yes, I was wearing blue jeans and a long sleeve black top with a etnies tee layered over it. But does that entitle them to look and snicker at me? No. I am not trying to fit any label. I may look punk one day, and dorky the next.(Most likely dorky!) But who the hell cares? As long as I like what I wear.

Okay...I am going to finsh watching Three's Company. Good bye!

� � pr�c�dent ou apr�s
