
6:08 p.m., 2003-08-01

� � � � � � I decided to make this page because some people (*julie*) weren't quite sure how to do certain things of the internet, and they kept bothering me. :) Lol. It's okay.

While I don't know much, What I did learn I either learned from Neopets.com or KuteKitten.com, or I learned it by myself. While a lot of people like lissa explains it all, I don't really like it all that much...but that's just my opinion. Anyways...

Making links

<a href="http://www.nameoflink.com">Name of Link</a>

How I show an image that is saved in My Documents

<img src="C:My Documentsnameofimage.gif"> This is simple stuff here.

<b> Makes Text Bold. You need to end it. As in after this sentence I do not want it bold. So to stop the boldness(lol) you would put</b> .
<u> Underlined. To end it you would put: </u> .
<br> (above) Line Break. You
when you want to break up your text.

<p> Paragraph. Starts a new Paragraph



Makes text italic. To end it you would put
Thank you to KuteKitten for help with the "showing html code". I hope that helped somewhat...I'll be adding more soon.

Look forward to... color of font...
and size of font
And more. Any emails/suggestions are welcome. [email protected]
or sign my guestbook-it says 'book" with all of the other links.


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