When the going gets tough, I run and scream TOASTER ATTACK! EVERYONE GET YOUR FORKS AND SET THEM ON FIRE!

5:28 p.m., 2003-09-19

� � � � � � I have so much stuff to say, but I can't say it. If you wish to know, just ask me.

I'm still unsure about whether to write my stories and things on here.

I am interested in making a joint diary with someone. Maybe a review or graphics diary. Or something else. Please contact me if you are interested. :)

Gazebo, ER(temp name) are stupid partners! They do not try and talk to me about the project at all, they just do it. Well, they'll get it from me. Hahah.

Here are some of things people have said to me lately:

You look wild. You look like one of those girls from Girls Gone Wild!

Damn! Your earrings are 1 foot-long!

I gave fabian your phone number!

Take your medicine!

I like your earrings!

Cute Earrings!

Where did you get your earrings?

Can you hold sugarbear down?

And oh yes, this guy thre rocks at me. The one who I call Austin, but that isn't his name. :/

I am going to start writing more in depth here, or at least I will try. It is just that most of the time I am so exhausted that I do not feel like recalling the days events.

Hey Miriam, it is okay that you look at porn. There is recovery programs for it.

Never call me!

I am getting darker. Skin-wise. Haha, I had you going there. But really, I am.

Rory! Will you fucking stop eating the trash under my chair!

Hey, Brandon. *blushes*

You are never gonna see that side of me, because I'm not that girl...

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