Efforts Worthless?

1:28 p.m., 2003-07-30

� � � � � � Most of the time I wish that I could really write in here. I mean really write. Most of the stuff I write in here is stupid stuff, like the daily events and happenings of my life. When I write in other forms( whatver they may be) I usually am better at this.

When I was younger, I always wanted to be really good at something. Whether it be violin, basketball, or catching popcorn in the air with my mouth. No, though, I just want to be something. I want to change the world, just change one persons way of thinking. I want the satisfaction of knowing that I didn't waste my time here, and that I'll be remembered for something incredible. But everyone says that. Everyone wants to change the world. Why hasn't that happened? If we all wanted to make the world a better place, why has nothing happened? Sure, amazing things have happened. but not enough. My theory is that we all just want to be remembered for something. Like I do. Some of us care more about what people will think of us after our death (and even before) then what we actually did. Others could care less about what others may think, and just want the world to be a better place. I vary between the two extremes.

Is allour efforts useless? Will what we do and think today really make an impact tomorrow? If we choose not to do one thing, will we have potentially done another?

One could ponder these things forever, and some do. I, however, am going to try not to fall victim to this eternal question. I am going to try and change it. Because either way my choices will make an impact on someone or something, so I might as well make the right one. Of course, though, this may not be the actual right one. but it's the one I'm making.

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